Catholic faith courses for adults

There are a number of courses normally available in our parish; however with the current situation these have been on hold on for some time, but now planning is taking place to find new ways of presenting them.

The Why? course and the Grow In Faith! course are still postponed. However the Alpha course is regularly scheduled, on a virtual (Zoom) basis.

These courses are for

The Why? course

It all starts with the Why? course, meeting for an hour at 11am on three Saturdays.

The Why? Course was made for people who know little or nothing about the Catholic Faith, and looks at some of the most important and intriguing questions human beings have ever asked.

In three engaging, thought provoking and enjoyable hour long sessions, it explores three vital questions: Why God? Why Christ? And why the Church?

Each session begins with a short video containing interviews, explanations and answers and ends with half an hour for discussion and questions. There is a beautiful and informative book to take home with you to explore the topics in greater depth at your own pace.

So that people can confidently make arrangements for child care if they need to, the sessions will end on time -- even if we're carried away in deep discussion when the time comes!

The Grow in Faith! course

Then, after a short break, the Grow in Faith! course begins, again on Saturdays, from 11am to 12.30pm – a list of dates is usually given out at the Why? course. No booking is required for the Why? course, and each autumn a form is available to book a place on the Grow in Faith! course.