Collections & Gift Aid

Parish Gift Aid Organiser - David Boott   email:

Our Parish relies on donations to stay open and provide care and support to everyone in our community. Now more than ever, please consider giving generously to support our mission and ministry. Thank you for your support.

Planned Giving

Any donation to the Parish is welcome. Obviously this can take the form on cash put into the collecting basket at weekend Mass but a standing order can be organised for a regular contribution to the parish which saves on cash handling and administration and means your payment is never missed. Alternatively using the envelope scheme is another way to make a regular, weekly financial contribution to the Parish as an alternative to finding loose change in your pocket and purse. 

Standing Order (preferred)

If you usually give by envelope or via cash in the collection, you could now donate via your online or telephone banking. You can either make individual payments whenever you like, or you can set up a regular gift by Standing Order. This can be stopped at any time, for example, if you wish to resume giving by cash or envelope once Sunday Mass is resumed. For the purposes or setting up a regular gift via your online banking, the Parish bank details are:

Account Name: St Francis Long Eaton RCP

Account number: 05076594

Sort code: 30–15–04

Please put your name (e.g. J SMITH) in the payment reference so we know the gift is from you. This is particularly important if we have a signed gift aid mandate from you. If youpreviously used numbered Gift Aid envelopes you should quote your envelope number as the payment reference (so J SMITH, the holder of envelope 19, would quote J SMITH ENV 19).

If your circumstances change then the amount you donate can easily be modified or ended either online or by contacting your Bank

You can also print off this form and send it to your Bank - it includes a Gift Aid declaration, if you pay tax (see below)

Envelopes if you are eligible for Gift Aid

These allow you to donate whatever amount you want, at whatever frequency is best for you. The envelopes have a number unique to you, which only the Parish Gift Aid Organiser can match to your details, and allows them to claim the Gift Aid for the parish. This does not tie you to donating every week, it is your choice when and how much to put in the envelope.

If you would like a set of envelopes send an email to St Francis Gift Aid with your name and address


If you are a UK taxpayer, you have the option of adding Gift Aid, whereby the UK government adds a further 25% to your donation.

This form include a Gift Aid declaration, for use either for Envelope or Standing Order use.

There is also a Polish translation available on the Diocesan website.

This scheme allows the parish to recover money from HMRC in respect of tax paid on donations where there is an audit trail in place to show the donation going from the donor and into the bank account of the parish (This is taken care of by the Gift Aid Coordinator). There is no commitment to a specific amount of money for a given period of time.

The requirements of the scheme are:

The parish can gain a further 25p for every £1 contributed.

The declaration can run indefinitely but can be cancelled at any time if personal circumstances change.

Christmas and Easter offerings to the priest(s) can also be Gift Aided even if they are retained by the Priest