If you would like a visit from a Catholic chaplain during your stay in QMC or Nottingham City Hospital, please ring
0115 924 9924 Ext: 63799 (QMC) or 56187 (City).
In an emergency, call switchboard on 0115 924 9924, or the ward staff, and ask them to contact the on-call Catholic chaplain.
NUH Chaplaincy
I'm one of the Chaplains in the Dept. of Spiritual and Pastoral Care at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, based primarily in City and Queens.
We're for people with faith, people without faith and everyone in between.
We're trying to spread the word about our new social media presence which is another way of people being referred onto us.
Especially at the moment when folks are unable to visit relatives in hospital, a visit from a friendly chaplain can be really helpful.
Would you mind helping spread the word and letting your churches know about our Facebook and Twitter pages? A like or a follow would be great!
With thanks,
Rev. James Pacey
TWITTER @chaplainsNUH
The Royal Derby Hospital Chaplaincy
Tel: 01332 789500 (internally 89500)
Palliative/Cancer Care Nightingale Macmillan Unit Chaplain
Tel: 01332 783351 (internally 83351)
London Road Community Hospital Chaplaincy
Tel: 01332 789500 (internally 89500)
The numbers were correct at the time of revision (May 2021)