

Get to know the Reader protocol where you will read 

Where does the Reader sit (preferably a place near the Ambo/lectern)? 

Is the Responsorial Psalm (& Sequence if applicable) & Gospel Verse ever sung or does the Reader always read it? 

When the Alleluia or Lenten equivalent is sung, who intones the first note; the Priest, Cantor/Choir or Reader?  

Are the Entrance and Communion Antiphons used?  And if they are, who proclaims them (the Priest or Reader?) 


If it's your first time, practise reading with the microphone. 

Always double-check the Rota, organising a replacement well in advance if you can't make your slot. 

Ensure you have the correct readings. 

Some Parishes give Readers the Sunday "Missalette" a week in advance. You may have your own copy of the Weekday and Sunday Missals or a Monthly Magnificat subscription. 

Free access to the readings (except Responsorial Psalm texts) is available at  

Short reflections on each of the Sunday readings are available via Wednesday Word ( 

Practise a few days in advance. 

Read aloud a few times, checking pronunciation of tricky words (you can consult online aids e.g. if necessary. 

Practise with another person or in front of mirror to improve confidence.


On the day, Before Mass, check the Lectionary is at the correct page & that there’s a copy of Prayer of the Faithful. 

During Mass, move in a dignified fashion, bowing to the altar before & after the reading. 

Read slowly. You are usually faster than you think! 

Be expressive; reflect the tone of the text. Recall that psalms are poetry. 

If you make a minor mistake don’t stop and say “sorry” or “excuse me”. Instead continue with confidence. 

Pause, for about 5 seconds, at the end of the reading before saying “The Word of the Lord”. 

Join in the psalm response after each verse to help the congregation. 

Start the "Alleluia" or Lenten equivalent (normally sung) and recite the Alleluia verse.  

Stay at the lectern until the Gospel Verse has been recited, moving away at the start of the second chanting of the Alleluia or Lenten equivalent.

Things to avoid 

Never say: “The response to the psalm is ...” or “The first/second reading is ...”, or “Please stand for the Gospel.” Remember that since 2010 the correct conclusion is "The Word of the Lord" (not "This is the Word of the Lord...” as printed in the Lectionary which was published before 2010).