Preparing for marriage

The Church insists that engaged people should prepare as well as possible for married life, and every parish offers courses to help people think about their vows and their married life together, and to help them prepare for their wedding day. They should contact the Parish Priest before confirming any Wedding dates/plans.

The obligatory course for couples in our parish who are hoping to marry usually take place at St Francis on two Sunday afternoons, each time from 3.00pm until 4.30pm. Dates of the next meetings are currently being discussed.

Couples are also encouraged, additionally, to take part in the pre-marriage courses arranged by Marriage Care and Engaged Encounter. Natural family planning training is also available.

Please bring this information to the attention of anyone whom you think might be wishing to marry in the next two years, and who might not see this web page

Please remember in your prayers all those preparing to exchange their lifelong vows of faithful love.

Bishop Patrick's Statement on Marriage

Marriage Week 7-14 February 2024

a document from the Bishop’s Conference for England and Wales