‍NEW Letter from Bishop Patrick for Safeguarding Sunday 2024 (05/05/24)

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult, and believe them to be in immediate danger, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999

Directive from the Parish Safeguarding Handbook

If the parish has a website, ensure that safeguarding arrangements are displayed clearly and are easy to access. The minimum requirements for a parish website are to display: 

• Parish Safeguarding Representative's details, email and contact number; 

Jane Watts 07513 725366

• Diocesan Director of Safeguarding's mobile telephone number; 

Rachael Campion, Director of Safeguarding 07825 648310

• Link to the diocesan website with reference to where the diocesan safeguarding practice and guidance can be found. 

https://www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/departments/safeguarding  under "Safeguarding Policies, Practice and Guidance"

The Parish Safeguarding Handbook ( or a link to it) should also be visible. Parish Safeguarding Handbook 

Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding within the diocese of Nottingham is of paramount importance and the diocese is dedicated to promoting the safeguarding of all children and adults at risk within its community. Nottingham diocese aims to proactively embed a culture of safeguarding to prevent abuse occurring in the first instance, and to provide support to individuals who have been hurt by abuse.

The diocese is committed to taking any necessary actions to reduce the likelihood of further harm. Safeguarding staff within the diocese liaise closely with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and thoroughly investigated and, where appropriate, survivors are supported and perpetrators held to account.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is described as:

• The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully. It involves taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The definition of safeguarding adults at risk is described as:

• Action to prevent abuse or to protect persons thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect or poor standards of care by any other person or persons that violates their human and civil rights.

The Catholic Church acknowledges the value of every human life and promotes the duty to support all people and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is an essential element of the Catholic Church required to fulfil the mission and calling, given by Christ, to value every human life.

Following the publication of The Nolan report in 2001, the diocese has implemented robust safeguarding policies and procedures relating to the protection of children and adults at risk, which places paramount importance upon the welfare of the victims and survivors of abuse.

The Catholic Church provides a wide range of ministries and activities in which children and adults at risk can participate. For example, Children’s Liturgy groups within parishes, Eucharistic Ministers visiting the sick, and a variety of opportunities to participate in the faith through the medium of music. The Church offers support and care for victims and survivors of historical abuse allegations, and ministers to and manages individuals alleged to have caused harm.

The diocese recognises its responsibility in safeguarding the personal dignity and rights of all vulnerable people and is committed to taking all appropriate steps to maintain a safe environment.

Safeguarding in St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Long Eaton

We are all aware that the Catholic Church has been in the spotlight in the last fifteen years or so, over its handling of child abuse cases world wide. What is perhaps less well known is that in England and Wales in the same period, much time and energy has been spent in striving to create a Church where all are safe from harm and abuse, and where everyone is encouraged to enjoy the fullness of life in Jesus Christ through the protective endeavours of the whole Catholic community.

In Nottingham Diocese, every parish has at least one safeguarding representative. Their role is to try to prevent harm and abuse from occurring in the parish. They do this by ensuring that anyone who has a ministry with children, young people or vulnerable adults, goes through a safe recruitment process and works safely in their ministry. So for example there are at least two adult helpers with every ministry involving children or young people, and activities take place in an open environment. 

Those who have a ministry with vulnerable adults are also encouraged to minister safely, though there is no expectation that Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist work in pairs.

The Parish Representatives also promote vigilance and awareness of safeguarding issues in our parish. However, safeguarding is the responsibility of every member of our parish community.

We know that in every parish in our Diocese there may be people who have directly experienced abuse or harm.

Anyone who has a concern or worry about the wellbeing of a child or vulnerable adult should voice this to one of the Reps. They will pass this on to the Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator so that the issue can be properly dealt with.

In the Diocese we have a Safeguarding Commission to oversee all safeguarding matters, and to provide advice to the Bishop. There is independent representation from Police, Probation, Children and Adult Social Care services on the Commission, to ensure that safeguarding in the Diocese is transparent and open, and that the voices of the vulnerable can be heard.


Contact telephone numbers:

For all enquiries and referrals; 

To report a safeguarding concern please contact the Safeguarding Office by telephone or email.

Please note the Safeguarding office is open Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm only.

Emails and phone calls are not monitored outside these times.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger. 

How to access help

You will no doubt  have heard on the news  concerns about an increase in Domestic Violence due to the current  situation, with particular regards to people being  indoors with each other far longer than  normal.  People living in enforced close proximity will lead to increased  tensions in some cases. Although it’s something we would like to hope is not too prevalent within our parishes, unfortunately there are likely to be families and partnerships  who are in  challenging, and in some cases abusive and or  violent  relationships.

Women's Aid -  National  Domestic Violence Helpline  – 0808 2000 247

The mix – Advice  for the under 25 yrs. – 0808 808 4994

Advice for Male Victims of  Domestic Violence  - 0808 8801 0327

Childline – Deals with a vast variety of children concerns including Domestic Violence. 0800 1111

The Catholic Advisory Service has an easy to access document, Click here.

Diocesan Safeguarding Newsletter #1 - March 2022

Useful information about privacy settings for online platforms

Zoom - https://zoom.us/security

Microsoft Teams - https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/security

Skype - https://support.skype.com/en/skype/all/privacy-security/privacy-settings/

Website links: