Jubilee Year 2025

Pope Francis calls on the Church to embark on a fundamental change of direction when it comes to evangelisation, no longer relying on past structures and actions but to read the signs of the times and act passionately in proclaiming the unique message of the Gospel that brings joy to all people who receive it with an open heart.

He says: “I dream of a ‘missionary option’, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation.” 

Pilgrims of Hope

The Holy Father has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years.

The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, and is a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis.  

Preparations for the 2025 Year of Jubilee began in Advent 2023, which marked the start of a year of prayer.

Bishop Patrick will open the Jubilee in the Diocese of Nottingham by celebrating the 10am Mass here at the Cathedral on 29th December 2024.

A special Prayer will be prayed in each of the eight other Jubilee Churches in the Diocese, and the Jubilee Prayer will be prayed at each Mass from today onwards.

The official Prayer allows pilgrims from all over the world to use the same words to express gratitude to God for the Jubilee experience and request the grace of forgiveness.

Jubilee Prayer

God our Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son,

Jesus Christ, our Saviour, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

awaken in us this Jubilee Year a missionary heart for the coming of your Kingdom.

May the gift of your grace transform us, Pilgrims of Hope,

into your missionary disciples,

blessed with the gifts and talents you give us.

Strengthen us to share our Saviour’s message of

love, joy, and peace with all the people we meet this year,

so that we may help build up your Kingdom on earth.

To you our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

be glory and praise for ever and ever.  Amen.

Evangelii Gaudium – Preparing for the Jubilee Year in Faith and Prayer 

Evangelii Gaudium Sunday calls us to be joyous in proclaiming our faith. “Evangelii Gaudium” is Latin for “Joy of the Gospel”. The day supports the work carried out by the Mission Directorate on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference. 

A key focus of work for the next few years is responding to Pope Francis’ calling of a Jubilee Year in 2025 with the theme Pilgrims of Hope. The Holy Father has invited the whole Church to prepare for the Jubilee in the two years prior through: · 

To support the Church in England and Wales in this important initiative the Mission Directorate has produced a series of videos on the four Constitutions which reflect on the Liturgy, the Word of God, the Church and on its role in the modern world. 


A range of resources is being prepared for the Year of Prayer in 2024 which include a course on the Lord’s Prayer from small groups for Lent, encouragement to try different ways of praying from the tradition of the Church. The Mission Directorate will be supporting the Jubilee co-ordinator appointed by each diocese. 

Our journey so far

Although the Jubilee is being celebrated in 2025, the Holy Father Pope Francis has asked for two years of preparation before the Jubilee Year itself. The first of these came to a close at the beginning of the Year of Prayer, with 2023 having been a year dedicated to revisiting afresh the fruits of the Second Vatican Council and the four great constitutions in particular. Alongside resources provided by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, Nottingham Deanery took a lead in organising speakers to present talks about Dei Verbum, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Gaudium et Spes, and Lumen Gentium. These are all available on the diocesan YouTube channel.


The Jubilee Year 2025 will be a whole year of Discipleship, looking at some of the themes of the Year including care for creation, food poverty, modern slavery, cancelling debt, forgiveness, and rest and worship.

Dates: Year of Jubilee 2025 – Discipleship – Christmas Eve evening (24th December 2024) – Epiphany (6th January 2026) 

Reflecting on the Great Constitutions of the Second Vatican 

In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025 Pope Francis has asked the Church to look again at some of the documents of the Second Vatican Council.