Gift Aid Normal Times

Parish Gift Aid Organiser - David Boott   email:

Any donation to the Parish is welcome. Obviously this can take the form on cash put into the collecting basket at weekend Mass; however to make this simpler for parishioners, and to allow the Parish to claim back the tax you have paid on this donation (where applicable) then donations can be made via personalised envelopes or by Standing Order.


These allow you to donate whatever amount you want, at whatever frequency is best for you. The envelopes have a number unique to you, which only the Parish Gift Aid Organiser can match to your details.

If you would like a set of envelopes send an email to with your name and address

Standing Order

A form with the Parish bank details is available to download at the bottom of the page, both in Word format if you have access to this, or in PDF format for you to print off and write in the details.

Standing Orders can be set up for weekly/monthly/quarterly/annual use by deleting the appropriate part on the form

Once completed this should be returned to (Word Document as attachment, if PDF file then scan or take photo and email that) or handed to Parish Organiser or the Parish Priest

The Parish bank details are:

St Francis of Assisi RCP

Sort Code: 30-15-04

Account No: 05076594

If your circumstances change then the amount you donate can easily be modified by contacting your Bank

Gift Aid

The forms below include a Gift Aid declaration, for use either for Envelope or Standing Order use. If either the standing order section or the Gift Aid section is not required then that part should be struck through.

There is also a Polish translation available on the Diocesan website.

HMRC will allow a donation to be Gift Aided if it is abundantly clear that there is no obligation for a payment to be made for a service provided by the Church (obviously assuming that all of the Gift Aid requirements are met eg valid declarations, donation fully accounted for in parish records and returns made to HMRC in the usual way).

Mass Intentions, Christmas and Easter offerings to the priests can also be Gift Aided even if they are retained by the Priest