
On this page we'll try and gather information, links and resources to help us celebrate in our homes, for the times we are not able to celebrate together at church.

Private Masses

 On some days Fr Christopher will celebrate Mass without a congregation. He will be thinking of us all and asks that we read the Mass at the same time. 

There are many churches, locally and further afield, streaming Masses and other devotions  - in most cases recordings are available at the same address. Click here for current information

Follow this link to see the fourteen Stations within the church of St Francis of Assisi, Long Eaton, each with a short reflection.

Children's Liturgy

Click on on the link for more info, to register for it, or to access downloadable Liturgy sheets


Other useful links for Children's Liturgy resources:

http://rcdow.org.uk/faith/catechesis/childrens-liturgy/ Diocese of Westminster Children's Liturgy page, always a good layout sheet for each Sunday (term-time only)

